Energy Storage Solutions

Terms & Conditions for Eligible Contractors, Eligible Third-Party Owners, and providers of Eligible Equipment to use Energy Storage Solutions Program Badge

Eligible Contractors, Eligible Third-Party Owners, and providers of Eligible Equipment for Energy Storage Solutions [Program] may want to demonstrate their involvement in the Program. Program contractors and equipment providers can use a Program Badge [Badge] indicating they are an Eligible Contractor, Third-Party Owner or provide eligible Equipment if they abide by the following guidelines and agree to these Terms & Conditions:


  1. Must maintain their eligibility in the Program;
  2. When referring to the program in writing, always use the full program name, Energy Storage Solutions, and not abbreviate the name in any way;
  3. Must not modify Badge in any way;
  4. Must not use the Badge without the “Eligible Contractor,” “Eligible Third-Party Owner” or “Eligible Equipment” language included, or otherwise misrepresent their involvement with the program;
  5. If creating sales and marketing materials featuring the Badge (e.g., website content, sell sheets, advertisements, etc.), must include the following language in clear, legible font:
    1. “Energy Storage Solutions is overseen by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), is paid for by electric ratepayers, and is administered by the Connecticut Green Bank, Eversource, and UI."
  6. Must adhere to all conditions outlined in section 4.3.5 of the Program Manual regarding the Responsibilities and Conduct of Program participants.